Sunday, October 24, 2010

Clincal Guidelines: Chest Compression First

The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends compressions first for cardiac arrest in a new guideline for 2010:
  •  Chest compressions should be the first step in addressing cardiac arrest.
  • A-B-Cs (Airway-Breathing-Compressions) of cardiorespiratory resuscitation (CPR) be changed to C-A-B (Compressions-Airway-Breathing).
  • Increase the speed of chest compressions to a rate of at least 100 times a minute
  • Compressions should be made more deeply,  at least 2 inches in adults and children and 1.5 inches in infants
  • Avoid leaning on the chest so that it can return to its starting position
  • Compression should be continue as long as possible without the use of excessive ventilation.
  • 9-1-1 centers are directed to deliver instructions assertively so that chest compressions can be started when cardiac arrest is suspected.
  •  Dispatchers should instruct untrained lay rescuers to provide Hands-Only CPR (chest compression only) for adults who are unresponsive, with no breathing..

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